The title of this post is a common theme for how things are going. I started this blog with the best of intentions but haven't done anything with it. I started Stella Scale Models with the best of intentions, but have pretty much ceased kit production. What happened? Here's my take on things...
Like many budding kit manufacturers, I looked at the ads in the hobby magazines and did the math. 400 kits at 400 bucks a pop equals a lot of scratch. Even with considerable start-up and development costs, there looked to be a decent profit potential. I talked to numerous established manufacturers and noted members of the hobby community. In short, it sounded like a good idea at the time. Don't get me wrong, I harbored no illusions (delusions) of instant wealth and fame. So what happened in the last 5 years?
In short, cheap laser cutters and a slowly degrading economy here in the U.S. and seemingly 40 other guys starting kit manufacturing businesses at pretty much the same time. I had an instant success with The New Erie Cafe. Sold a whopping 30 of them in 2008. Maybe 60 in '09. Brought out a bunch of other kits, most of which sold under 50 units in 3 years. Now, I'm no economist, but I do know I started SSM at the economic bottom. In 5 years things have gotten only marginally better.
In those 5 years I've seen the best and the worst of this hobby. I've seen bad people do good things and good people do bad. I've seen at least two marriages disintegrate. I've put on 5 great modeling meets that nearly killed me each time. I've given away more kits than I should, but that's just me. I'd rather give a kit away and get good karma than not.
I've heard all the clichés about getting into the hobby business: if you want to make a small fortune in the biz start with a large one; the best way to ruin a hobby is to make it your job. As to the first, I haven't lost money on it, but I haven't made much either. As to the latter, well that's all true. I love model railroading but it isn't as enjoyable as those N scale Postage Stamp trains were back in 1969... Sigh...
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